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Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь - quality


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Перевод с английского языка quality на русский


1) качество; сорт || качественный, высококачественный

2) свойство; характеристика

3) класс точности

quality of behaviorassembling process qualityaverage outgoing qualitybalance qualitybuild qualitycomputer-aided qualitycutting qualitydelivery qualityEP qualityextreme pressure qualitygrinding qualitylimiting qualitylot qualitylubricating qualitymachined surface qualitymachining qualityoverall gear qualityprocess qualityrunning qualitysurface qualitytest quality

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  noun  1) качество also philos. ; сорт; of good quality - высокосортный  2) свойство; особенность; характерная черта; to give a taste of ones quality - показать себя, свои способности и т.п.  3) высокое качество, достоинство  4) obs. положение в обществе; - people of quality - the quality - lady of quality  5) obs. актерская профессия; collect. актеры  6) тембр; the quality of a voice - тембр голоса Syn: see characteristic ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. качество, сорт; свойство adequate quality —- доброкачественность bottom quality —- низкое качество premium (prime) quality —- высшее качество milk quality —- удойность (коровы) cutting quality —- режущая способность goods of high quality —- товары высокого качества the better quality of cloth is more expensive —- материя высшего качества дороже to manufacture (to make) goods in various qualities —- производить (выпускать) товары различного качества to aim at quality rather than quantity —- предпочитать качество количеству transition from quantity to quality —- филос. переход количества в качество 2. уровень качества, класс, калибр to upgrade the quality of incoming students —- повышать требования к отбору студентов 3. высокое качество; достоинство, ценность goods of quality —- высококачественные товары wine of quality —- отборное (высокосортное) вино to admire the quality of smth. —- восхищаться (превосходным) качеством чего-л. to be up to quality —- соответствовать требованиям 4. часто pl. качество, свойство, признак; характерная особенность moral quality —- моральные качества quality of leadership —- качества руководителя a person of excellent qualities —- человек, обладающий прекрасными качествами to be distinguished by noble qualities —- отличаться душевным благородством to be possessed of rare qualities —- обладать редкими качествами to possess healing qualities...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  качество – quality of locality – adequate quality – primary qualities – secondary qualities ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  сущ. 1) качество, достоинство 2) добротность 3) род, сорт, класс • - acceptable quality level - acceptable quality - adequate quality - ascertainment of quality - assessment of management quality - average quality - be up to quality - best quality - credit quality - delivery quality - determine quality - difference in quality - dispute on the quality - essential quality - exceed in quality - good quality - goods of quality - in the quality - low quality - management quality - merchantable quality - middling quality - overall quality - poor quality - prime quality - quality assurance - quality assurance personnel - quality certification of goods - quality change - quality check audit for quality - quality checklist - quality circles - quality coefficient - quality committee - quality control - quality control method - quality control personnel - quality cost optimization - quality evaluation methods - quality level - quality management - quality manager - quality of conformance - quality of design - quality of item - quality of life - quality of manufacturing - quality of products - quality of service - quality of systems - quality of work - quality performance - quality plan - quality planning - quality product - quality program - quality protection - quality requirements - quality standard - shipping quality - superior quality Syn: brand, character, caliber, grade QUALITY I сущ. 1) а) эк. качество to be up to quality (standards) - соответствовать качеству (стандартам качества), item quality - качество изделия, quality classification - классификация (сортировка) по качеству, quality research - исследование качества See: quality label quality guarantee quality defect quality of design quality of service brand quality quality certificate quality competition customer quality б) торг. уровень качества; сорт, класс best quality - высший...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) атрибут 2) добротность 3) качественный 4) качество 5) кондиционность 6) сорт 7) тембр check a product for quality — проверять качество изделия lot quality protection table — таблица объемов выборки обеспечивающих заданное качество партии lower the quality of a product — снижать качество изделия propulsive quality of ship — ходкость судна quality control method — метод контроля качества quality of being specific — специфичность rerolling quality bloom — блюм в перекатном состоянии - air quality - bounded quality - certificate of quality - edible quality - high quality - incoming quality - inspect for quality - keeping quality - lot quality - modification of quality - picture quality - poor quality - quality class - quality control - quality inspection - quality inspector - quality of product - quality of service - steam quality - steel quality - tone quality ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) качество 2) добротность 3) сорт; класс – amplitude modulation quality – assessed quality – audio quality – baseband transmission quality – coil quality – communication quality – image quality – power quality – recording quality – reproduction quality – shield quality – subjective quality – toll quality – tone quality – transmission quality – varicap quality ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  качество quality of wet vapor concrete surface quality environmental quality key quality road service quality strength quality of cement strength quality of concrete surface quality water quality wearing quality working quality ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) качество 2) добротность 3) сорт; класс; марка 4) свойство; характеристика 5) энерг. массовое паросодержание 6) тембр - quality of electrical energy - aerodynamic qualities - ambient air quality - ambient water quality - antiknock quality - archival quality - audio quality - baking quality - broadcast quality - brushing quality - burning quality - chip quality - coking quality - cooking qualities - course-keeping qualities - definition quality - dielectric qualities - drawing quality - environmental quality - equilibrium quality - exit quality - extra-deep qualities - fabric quality - filtration-loss quality - fire-retarding quality - flow quality - flying quality - functional quality - graphic arts quality - high quality - ignition quality - image quality - keeping quality - local quality - low quality - maneuvering qualities - musical quality - nautical qualities - negative quality - nuclear quality - perceived quality - perforating cement qualities - picture quality - pilot essential qualities - plasma quality - playback quality - power quality - proof sheet quality - propulsion qualities - pumping quality - recording quality - record quality - reproduction quality - rerolling quality - riding qualities - rough-water qualities - running quality - rust-proof quality - sailing qualities - seagoing qualities - seakeeping qualities - stability quality - stagnation quality - steam quality - storage quality - technical quality - television studio picture quality - tempering quality - thermodynamic quality - tone quality - turning qualities - voltage quality - wetting quality ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. (pl. -ies) 1 the degree of excellence of a thing (of good quality; poor in quality). 2 a general excellence (their work has quality). b (attrib.) of high quality ( a quality product). 3 a distinctive attribute or faculty; a characteristic trait. 4 the relative nature or kind or character of a thing (is made in three qualities). 5 the distinctive timbre of a voice or sound. 6 archaic high social standing (people of quality). 7 Logic the property of a proposition's being affirmative or negative. Phrases and idioms quality control a system of maintaining standards in manufactured products by testing a sample of the output against the specification. Etymology: ME f. OF qualit{eacute} f. L qualitas -tatis f. qualis of what kind ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  (plural -ties)  Etymology: Middle English qualite, from Anglo-French qualite, from Latin qualitat-, qualitas, from qualis of what kind; akin to Latin qui who — more at who  Date: 14th century  1.  a. peculiar and essential character ; nature her ethereal ~ — Gay Talese  b. an inherent feature ; property had a ~ of stridence, dissonance — Roald Dahl  c. capacity, role in the ~ of reader and companion — Joseph Conrad  2.  a. degree of excellence ; grade the ~ of competing air service — Current Biography  b. superiority in kind merchandise of ~  3.  a. social status ; rank  b. aristocracy  4.  a. a distinguishing attribute ; characteristic possesses many fine qualities  b. archaic an acquired skill ; accomplishment  5. the character in a logical proposition of being affirmative or negative  6. vividness of hue  7.  a. timbre  b. the identifying character of a vowel sound determined chiefly by the resonance of the vocal chambers in uttering it  8. the attribute of an elementary sensation that makes it fundamentally unlike any other sensation Synonyms:  ~, property, character, attribute mean an intelligible feature by which a thing may be identified. ~ is a general term applicable to any trait or characteristic whether individual or generic material with a silky ~. property implies a characteristic that belongs to a thing's essential nature and may be used to describe a type or species the property of not conducting heat. character applies to a peculiar and distinctive ~ of a thing or a class remarks of an unseemly character. attribute implies a ~ ascribed to a thing or a being the traditional attributes of a military hero.  II. adjective  Date: 1936 being of high ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (qualities) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. The quality of something is how good or bad it is. Everyone can greatly improve the quality of life... Other services vary dramatically in quality. ...high quality paper and plywood. N-UNCOUNT: usu with supp 2. Something of quality is of a high standard. ...a college of quality... In our work, quality is paramount. N-UNCOUNT: usu with supp, oft N n 3. Someone’s qualities are the good characteristics that they have which are part of their nature. He wanted to introduce mature people with leadership qualities... N-COUNT: usu pl, usu supp N 4. You can describe a particular characteristic of a person or thing as a quality. ...a childlike quality. ...the pretentious quality of the poetry... N-COUNT: oft adj N 5. The quality papers or the quality press are the more serious newspapers which give detailed accounts of world events, as well as reports on business, culture, and society. (BRIT) Even the quality papers agreed that it was a triumph. ADJ: ADJ n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 something such as courage, intelligence, or loyalty that people may have as part of their character  (You need special personal qualities to work as a nurse. | Bravery was never a quality that I noticed in Gerald.) 2 something such as size, colour, feel or weight that makes one thing different from other things  (The analysis looks at the physical and chemical qualities of the sample.) 3 the degree to which something is good or bad  (The higher the price the better the quality. | The recent hot, humid weather is affecting air quality. | high quality (=very good))  (high quality ingredients) 4 a high standard  (Remember, it's quality we're aiming for so don't rush the job. | of quality)  (an actor of real quality) 5 quality of life the satisfaction in your life that comes from having good health, comfort, good relationships etc, rather than from money 6 a man/lady of quality old-fashioned a man or woman of high social rank ~2 adj only before noun 1 especially BrE a word meaning very good, used especially by people who are trying to sell something  (We provide quality rented accommodation for professional people. | quality child-care at prices people can afford | quality double glazing) 2 quality newspapers/press/journalism BrE newspapers etc aimed at educated readers ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - c.1300, from O.Fr. qualitй, from L. qualitatem (nom. qualitas; said to have been coined by Cicero to translate Gk. poiotes), from qualis "of what sort," related to quis "who." Noun phrase quality time first recorded 1977. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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